Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Winter Park Weddings - Springtime = Go Time!

Well it's just another day in paradise. The sun is trying to shine and Rami and I are rocking along in the studio today - Kicking A and Taking Names. First off, Crystal from Colorado Party Rentals just gave us some FANTASTIC new decor for the mock tables. Rami has completely redecorated the studio and frankly, it looks pretty darn great. With the new decor, we are feeling revitalized and ready to tackle the season.

For Pick Me Events, we start with Annie and Mark's wedding at Devils Thumb Ranch next weekend. We are fortunate enough to be doing flowers and day-of coordination for this sasstastic couple. From the first meeting we hit it off and things have been clicking along. What can I say? I love sassy folks from Chicago.

Speaking of sassy folks from Chicago, I returned this morning from Miami (a GREAT weekend with my best girlfriends from the Windy City). Fantastic hotel - Eden Roc, Fantastic Dinners - Barton G's, Escopazzo and (of course) Joe's Crab Shack. We saw some famous people (but who am I to drop names??) and they were even more adorable in person AND we all had drinks at the Delano. WOW. I couldnt have loved this place more . . .

Rami had a slightly more tame holiday, traveling to Cave Creek, Arizona with her husand to visit old friends. Hiking, hanging out by the pool and catching up were the order of the day.

So I am off to book a party bus for a wedding at the Brown Palace. This wedding is going to be beautiful!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well, the names pretty much stay true to the definitions. When having a party, whether you have children or it's just the adults, renting "inflatables", "jumpers" and "inflatable jumpers" is the way to go in terms of smuggling and infusing 100% pure fun into the atmosphere and equation.

    In other words, party rentals=special occasion fun, for any occasion and more importantly,
    all occasions!

